Having Your Child in the Ideal Plainfield Before and After Care Center Means a World of Difference for Developmental Skills


A Plainfield before and after care center essentially refers to a preschool or child care facility that allows parents to drop their children off before or after work, or school. It can be a wonderful asset for those parents who are simply unable to stay at home until their child’s school bus picks them up or who can’t get out from work early enough to make sure they’re safe after school ends for the day.

There are many options available for parents when it comes to a Plainfield before and after care center.

That’s right, there are more than just a few day care centers, preschool settings, and other babysitting services that can be beneficial for those busy professionals, but not all of them are going to focus on helping children develop in the most profound and beneficial way possible.

The first five years are crucial for development.

90 percent of a child’s brain development will have occurred by the time he or she is five years of age. Every opportunity, every experience is going to shape their development in some way or another. Dropping them off at a basic day care center where they will effectively sit around, play with some toys, and not really be guided in any formal instructional way could be a source of incredible missed opportunities.

What does the ideal Plainfield before and after care center offer?

Well, a school like KLA Schools of Plainfield provides children of all ages an opportunity to be surrounded by one of the most effective early childhood development programs in the world. That is known as the Reggio Emilia approach to learning and has been highlighted on numerous media outlets across the country, including CNN and Newsweek.
It is a child centered educational model that understands each child is different. They don’t all learn the same way and by forcing them into neat, orderly rows, having them all read from the same books, learn the same lessons at the same time, it can cause serious problems for some children who simply learn at a different pace or in a different manner.
Even for children who may be going to a different preschool, KLA Schools is a wonderful option for Plainfield before & after care. Many parents who enroll their children at KLA Schools become thrilled with not just the programs they offer, but also the access they have as parents to understand exactly what their child worked on throughout the day, either just in those early morning or late afternoon hours while he or she was at work.
Children have access to an incredible classroom setting, highly trained and experienced teachers who guide them through their learning experiences, an art atelier where they can explore their creativity at their own pace, and a wonderful outdoor learning environment that helps them connect with nature, learn to grow their own fruits and vegetables, and become better stewards of the environment around them. For those looking for an opportunity to have their child in a wonderful Plainfield before and after care center, KLA Schools is one of the leaders.

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