Multi-Casting: Letting a Number of People Join One Podcast


Did anyone in the past ever imagine that technology would make it possible for everyone to share their thoughts just like we heard in the past on the radios? I don’t think so. These things were just in books and people dreamed of a world where all this would be possible. We may find all of this extremely ordinary. But in reality, it is extremely fascinating when you look through the eyes of a person who was born before the technological era started. Today anyone and everyone has the ability to share their thoughts by creating their very own podcast. There are several voice of the customer software available that even allows the customers to send in their audio testimonials to a brand, providing them a voice.

The world of voice technology has been developing every single day. Experts are dedicated to bringing newer technological advancements that can help in improving the products that are based on voice. This is because it is literally allowing us to use our least efforts to operate something or to communicate within a community. All the facts related to voice are quite fascinating. If you wish to know more about it then visiting the platform, Witlingo can be the right choice for you.

There is a lot of information about the same on the Witlingo website. They are also working on Multi-casting to make it easier for audiences to understand. Their Sonic Voices Multicast is being launched in August 2021. This podcast would be available on all major podcast platforms. It is basically a monthly podcast that would enable audiences to learn more about human language technology, voice first, audio, sonic branding and many other related topics. This would be delivered by different pioneers.

The best part about this podcast is that every pioneer would speak for only 1 to 3 minutes. So, the audience can listen to a number of pioneers in a single podcast only. This is what is referred to as multi-casting. If you have been invited to talk about it then you can record whatever you wish to say about the related topics. You can also feel free to promote your own products or releases in the audio. When the podcast will be released, a multicast description would be in place with the name of all those pioneers who have submitted their audio. So, Witlingo is the perfect place for all things related to voice. If you are looking for fan engagement software then you should visit the Witlingo website.

For more information, visit Witlingo.

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