When You Search for ‘Infant Care Near Me,’ Do You Realize You Might Not Be Finding the Best Places for Early Childhood Development?


Your baby is the most important and precious individual in the world to you. You want her to be safe in any environment. You may begin searching for ‘infant care of near me’ because you assume proximity is one of the most important factors. After all, you don’t have a lot of time to be driving all over the place to drop your infant off at a preschool or day care center, heading over to work, and then having to repeat the process toward the end of the day.

At the same time, though, you don’t want to worry about whether your child is in good hands.

You want to be able to rest comfortably in the knowledge that your precious angel is being taken care of properly, not being neglected or ignored, and is in the safest environment possible. You may not consider, though, is the value of early childhood development programs.
Your child may only be a few months old, a year, or possibly even just about to head into the ‘toddler years.’ You haven’t thought much about the impact early childhood developmental programs will have on him or her. You are more focused on finding somebody who is safe, reliable, and dependable to watch your child while you’re at work.

However, 90 percent of a child’s brain development will occur within the first five years of life.

That means what your child is exposed to now, what he or she does during these earliest years, and the people who work with him or her throughout the day are going to all play an integral role in their educational and intellectual development for the rest of their life.
KLA Schools of Plainfield was developed with the express and specific focus on providing infants, toddlers, and young children an opportunity to be surrounded by one of the most efficient and effective learning environments in the region. They utilize the Reggio Emilia approach to learning, which essentially focuses on a child centered atmosphere.

Every child is going to learn differently.

Some will learn better by reading various materials and taking notes as they get older. Other children will become restless when sitting in neat, orderly rows and listening to a teacher talk about a particular topic. Some children prefer to work with their hands and are much more mentally engaged when they’re doing something rather than listening to various instructions.
The Reggio Emilia approach to learning, which has been heralded by some of the largest media outlets in the world as being one of the most effective for early childhood development, allows children to learn at their own pace and in the ways that work best for them.
If you’re looking for “infant care near me,” avoid the common trappings of searching based on proximity first. KLA Schools of Plainfield is worth a few extra minutes in the car when heading home or to work or wherever your destination takes you each day. There’s nothing more important than the safety, well-being, and early childhood development of young minds.

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